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PushPanda Integration

How can I integrate PushPanda to my website?

Carina Fontan avatar
Written by Carina Fontan
Updated over a week ago

The following article aims to successfully integrate PushPanda into your website through two different methods.

First option – Google Tag Manager

  1. Log in to your Google Analytics Account. In the right upper corner, you find the Analytics Suite that allows you to switch to the Google Tag Manager.

  2. Please add a new Tag and select an appropriate name like "PushPanda". If you have different names, add the language, e.g., PushPanda EN. Click Tag Configuration and choose Custom HTML on the left side.

  3. Please go to your PushPanda account and navigate to Embed-Code. Now place the copied lines of the code in the "Custom HTML" tag in the Google Tag Manager. Please select your trigger.

  4. Available triggers are displayed on the left side. Please select the trigger "All Pages" here. If you want to use several languages, select the filter "Page URL".

  5. Save the Trigger and the Tag.

  6. The last click on "send" publishes the tag on your website. Well done! You have successfully integrated PushPanda into your website.

Second option – Source Code Integration

  1. Add Embed-Code to Your Site

    To integrate PushPanda on your website, the HTML code that you can find in your PushPanda account under Projects, Website, Settings, Embed-Code must be inserted in your website's "head" tag or before the closing "body" tag. If you do not have access to your website, ask your developer to do this.

  2. Upload the Service Worker File to Your Site

    Next, you will need to add the Service Worker file to your website. To do so,

  • unzip the downloaded file. There should be one file:

    • PushPandaWorker.js

  • upload this file to the top-level/root of your website (e.g. via FTP), making it publicly accessible.

  • The file must be served with a content-type of application/javascript

Once you have uploaded the PushPanda SDK file, the following URL should be publicly accessible:

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