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Campaign planning
Campaign planning

How do I create a successful campaign plan?

Carina Fontan avatar
Written by Carina Fontan
Updated over a week ago

With the help of campaign planning, you have an overview of all your web push notifications. Our campaign planning also makes life easier for you since you can analyse your past messages. The basis for successful campaign planning is a forward-looking strategy. As with other social media channels or newsletter mailings, think about what topics might interest your subscribers or visitors or what news your brand offers. For more inspiration, download our marketing calendar, including all holidays, here. You can also recycle content from other social marketing channels to save resources.

You can save as many web push notifications as you like to ensure successful planning. Valuable tip: Copy drafts to schedule them in different languages simultaneously.

Navigate to the headline of the menu and click on Campaigns:

Click either on New campaign in the left menu or on the + to create a new campaign.

Now you can add the desired website and select an internal title to make it easier to find the campaign later.

It is time to get started. Think of a suitable title and consider adding emojis to attract attention. Then add an appropriate text, usually less than 50 characters long, and we recommend a maximum length of 190 characters. Your message will be particularly eye-catching if a suitable image accompanies it. Use images (currently only supported in Google Chrome) with at least 720x480 pixels and an aspect ratio of 3:2. Next, add the target link.

Now you can choose from various sending settings (sending time, display duration, priority, or others).

Finally, you can segment your subscribers by language, country, device and interests to reach the optimal target group and increase the click-through rate.

Great! Now that you're ready to create your message try it with our preview tool or have a look at our best practice examples here!

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